
Congratulations on your upcoming wedding! We are happy to help you plan and enjoy a Christian wedding service centered on the promises you make to each other as you unite in marriage with the blessing of the church and the support and affirmation of our congregation. We desire to help you celebrate and seal your commitment to each other in the presence of family and friends in God’s house, asking God’s blessing on your union.

We offer the services and facilities of Emanuel Lutheran Church to all members and others in accordance with the policies of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) and this congregation.

The pastor of Emanuel Lutheran acts as the official representative of the church and the ELCA. The pastor will guide the couple, provide counseling, schedule dates, coordinate with the musician and clear initial arrangements. The Pastor prayerfully reserves the right to decide whether Emanuel Lutheran will host a wedding.

Please contact the church via phone (607-936-4268) or email ( to begin planning for your life together.

Congratulations on your upcoming nuptials.
May you be blessed with God’s Love, Wisdom and Guidance.

A Christian congregation gathered by grace and sent to serve.